Friday, January 22, 2016

Growth Mindset

This is the first I have heard and learned of Carol Dweck and the growth mindset.  The videos were interesting because I actually find this topic to be something that I'm passionate about.  School and academics do not come easy for myself, and they never have.  I have been diagnosed with dyslexia since I was in the first grade.  My kindergarten teacher recently expressed to me that even at that age she could tell that I was "at risk" for dyslexia, this is surprising because you technically can't be fully diagnosed until your second grade year.  My point is that I have struggled with this part of my life for my entire academic career.  I know what it's like to fail an exit level test, and I understand the feeling of nothing and going no where that Professor Dweck discusses.  I have pretty much been forced to have a growth mindset, or I wouldn't be where I am today.  I have had to strive harder than most students, and have had to redo and try and try again just to reach the goal I aim for.  If I had an fixed mindset I would't have the aspiration to try over and over again to achieve my goals.  Since being at OU I have learned (and still learning) one of the hardest lessons I think I will ever have, and that is to keep going, to never give up (even though you want so bad) until I have reached the goals I want.  I also have learned to be proud of a B or even a C in a class that I know is extremely hard for myself, to be proud of all the steps I have taken, because that only motivates me to keep moving forward.  I love the idea of the "not yet" grade, I believe that it shows students that trying again isn't a horrible thing and that you shouldn't judge or define yourself on your first try.  I also believe that if I would have learned that lesson at a younger age I would be more confident in my academics, once you fail a test you can become fearful and unconfident in your ability to test, and I think that the "not yet" grade shows students that it's okay to fail as long as you try again.   I am extremely interested in learning about the growth mindset this semester, as I believe that it will help encourage me to finish strong with my college career.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,

    I admire you so much for your ability to think with the Growth Mindset, especially since you had to learn to think that way from such a young age. I think that it is important for all children to think that way so that they can continue to learn even if they do not quite grasp something at first!
