Thursday, January 21, 2016

Storybook Favorites

The first story I read was "Love Though the Eyes of Nature" The word nature is what caught my attention.  I really enjoy the outdoors and knew if it had something to do with nature I would enjoy it.  I have always been someone who wonders about everything, I can think of million questions in a matter of seconds.  So I really enjoyed how the beginning of this introduction started with a bundle of questions wondering how nature sees us. It's an interesting way to look at life.  The best part of this story is that love incorporated with nature, with the "Gossip Squirrel".

The next story I looked at and really enjoyed was "Karma and Karma".  I have always been a firm believer in what comes goes around, comes around, but this story put a new twist I have never thought of before. I love how this story focused on how everyone's destiny comes from their own previous actions.  This story was an interesting way for me to think about how people create their love life, and that maybe someone is behind it all with the right ingredients.  
(Karma Quote, Source: Google) 

The last story I read was "A Counselor's Wisdom From RHS" I throughly enjoyed this story because one day I hope to be a counselor helping people.  I enjoyed reading how the counselor helped these students by just sitting down and listening to them.  I also enjoyed the fact that the counselor took what he had learned from his background life and how he is applying it to the students.

I feel that I have a better understanding of what my storybook for Indian Epics should look like.  I now see that there are a plethora of stories to chose from to create my own.

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