Heart Full of Hate
There once was a boy named Robert. He mostly went by Rob,
unless his friend Sally was talking to him. She always referred to him as
Robert. Sally was actually the only person Rob would allow to call him Robert;
this was because Rob thought Sally was the prettiest girl he ever did see. Rob
and Sally had lived by each other their whole lives. In fact they lived just
three doors down from each other, and because they lived so close Rob and
Sally’s parents carpooled to school ever since they were in kindergarten. When Sally and Rob were younger they were the
best of buds. You could always find them
outside climbing trees or playing street hockey. Growing up Rob would do anything Sally asked
because he never once stopped thinking she was the prettiest and wisest of all
girls. It wasn’t until about sixth grade when they stopped being such good
You see Robert was more of a shy, quiet kid, while Sally was
wild and loud. Sixth grade was the first
year that you could choose where you wanted to sit during lunch. Rob was pretty nervous that he wouldn't have
anywhere to sit, but he was sure that Sally would sit with him! When the bell rang for lunch, all sixth
graders hurried because they were excited to be sitting with all their friends. When Rob made it into the cafeteria, he scoped out the room in hopes of seeing Sally waving for him to come sit down. After standing in the doorway getting bumped
into person after person, he finally saw Sally sitting with a group of
people. With a sigh of relief, he
started walking towards her table. Approaching the table he yelled for Sally, “Hey! Hey Sally!!”
As he yelled her name, the other kids at the table whispered
to Sally, “You know this nerd?”
As Rob reached the table, everyone was staring at him including
Sally. Rob then again said hello to
Sally as she just sat there in silence.
A boy named Reese broke the silence and shooed him away saying, "Get lost, nerd!" Rob couldn't believe that Sally
had just ignored him like that, but from then on out he knew that they wouldn't
be friends anymore.
The worst part about Rob and Sally not being friends anymore
is that they still had to carpool to school every day. Through middle school and all the way though high
school. The car rides in the morning
were never too bad until junior year of high school. You see until then they always had a parent
in the car, and never had any awkward silence.
Junior year Sally got her driver's license and they started taking her
dad’s regular cab small truck. The first day
Sally drove, Rob sat in complete silence the whole way. Actually the first
month they sat in complete silence. This
was Rob’s most dreadful 23 minutes of his day.
Sally had been dating Reese for two years--yes, the same kid
Reese that booted Rob away from the lunch table in sixth grade. Rob hated that Sally and Reese dated, and out
of jealousy his heart filled with hate over the years, so much hate that he
became evil. He set out to ruin their
Rob had a plan, and the first step was to become friends
with Sally again, and Rob knew exactly how to do that. One morning Rob broke the dreadful silence
for the first time. All Rob could get
out at first was “Hey Sally," and a confused yet shocked look came across
Sally’s face as she responded softly, “Hey.” Speaking those short words to Sally brought up more emotions than he
expected, but the hate in his heart was so strong that he stuck to his
plan. He explained to Sally that he
didn't care that they weren’t friends, and that he only wished for decent
conversations in the mornings. Sally
giggled with relief and was happy to hear that he didn't hate her, and agreed
to talkative mornings. And just like that
step one was complete.
The next step for Rob was getting an invite to one of Sally
and her friends’ parties. This step took
the longest for Rob. It took a few
mornings driving to school for Rob and Sally to get comfortable with each
other. Finally after two and a half weeks
Sally decided to ask Rob to come to a party at her house after that
week’s basketball game.
The final step for Rob to ruin their relationship
would happen during this party. Rob had
an evil plan to set up Reese to cheat on Sally.
Standing by the punch bowl Rob started talking to Katie, a beautiful girl with
strawberry blond hair, and knew that she would step up and take the job he had
to offer. Katie only said yes to
seducing Reese if Rob would do her homework for pre-calculus the next month. Of course, to Rob
that was worth her service, and he agreed.
It didn’t take long for drunken Reese to agree to Katie’s
offer and that's when Rob swooped in and grabbed Sally. He explained to her that he needed to talk to
her immediately and led her to the same room Reese was. And just like that his plan was complete. Sally felt that her life was over because her heart had been broken. Even though Rob had made Sally sad he found joy out of being evil, by taking away Sally’s love for Reese.
strayed a lot from the original story. My main focus from the PDE Ramayana
story was the part from the ‘Golden Deer.' Ravana was a demon that
tricked Rama and Sita multiple times because he wanted Sita for himself. That
is what happens here with Rob, Sally, and Reese. Rama was living in exile
with Sita when Ravana planned his tricks. Ravana lured Rama away with the golden
deer, he told the golden deer to fake Rama's voice, and he also pretended to be an
old brahmin so that Sita would invite him in the house. These tricks are
very different than the ones that happen in my story. Rob gets a girl
named Katie who acts as the ‘Golden Deer’ in this story to trick Reese into
cheating on Sally with her. My goal with this story is to explain that
there can be a golden deer in any situation. People will play hateful
tricks on one another. No one thought of Rob as a bad guy, but he is still the
one that sent the golden deer. Not saying you shouldn’t trust people, but you
should always be aware of how you treat people for they could send the golden
deer your way. Overall the purpose of this story is to remind people to always
treat people kind even if they aren’t the same as you, or you feel that you are
more popular than someone. We should try to treat people the way we
would want to be treated.