Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary: PDE Ramayana

Sugriva and Hanuman
-I find it interesting that they filled all the animals with fear.. at least I think that is what they were saying. Also funny to me that this is a “Monkey King”.

Sugriva’s Story
- I like how they have incorporated monkeys  into the story, and how they end up helping him fight the battle, reminds me of ‘Planet of the Apes’.

Sugriva and Vali
-This story has a lot to do with brothers and in this episode it was cool to see that the brothers always try to have each other’s back, as long as it is sane. But in this case they must go to fight.

Vali’s Death
-Very surprising to me that Rama started to help Sugriva, and then he even killed Vali.  It’s not like Rama to kill someone dishonorable. 

King Sugriva
-It was sad to read about Tara weep over Vali, but surprising that Sagriva also wept over his death. 

Rainy Season
-Back to the hunt to find Sita, they must wait for the rain season to end before they can start looking.  I find it romantic that Rama finds it hard to just sit and wait to look for Sita.

The Armies
-How rude of Sugriva to not make any effort to look for Sita with Rama after he said he would. I’m not the biggest fan of Sugriva, he seems to always be a bit selfish. 

-So a month as passed and they still haven’t found Sita, I think that it’s cool that they have birds and monkeys helping them look.

Sampati and Jatayu
-I am starting to get confused on who is a person and what is an animal.  Now there are bears, and these bears and monkeys are wondering why Sampati have burnt wings.  Sampati thought he was going to die, but it never came.  I thought it was neat that if the bird waits he will be granted with more than just fixed wings. 

Hanuman’s Leap
-This story has taking a total twist, but like it.  They are communicating with the animals to find their way to Sita.

Hanuman in Lanka
-I like how the story tired back to Rabana, even thought Sita was not there, smart of them to look there.

The Ashoka Grove
-YAY! Sita was found, I love how she was referred as “The Peerless Princess”

Sita and Ravana
-Of course Ravaba steps in and tries to persuade Sita to reject Rama and take him as her new husband. I thought it was cool that she refused him, even with fame and wealth handed to her

Humana and Sita
-I wonder how Sita felt when she first meet Hanuman, probably so much joy.  She is a great girl because she wouldn't even leave with him because she didn't want to touch another man besides Rama.

Hanuman Captured
-This part of the story is sad, that Hunuman gets captured by Ravana; and then he is taken to get eaten, but he isn’t dead just yet!

 Hanuman and Ravana
-HA! Ravana is going to get what he deserves by setting Hanuman’s tail on fire. 

The Burning of Lanka
-Hanuman of course gets away and finds his way back to the monkey army, and starts to worry about Sita.

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