Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 11 Reading Diary: Jataka Stories

Week 11 Reading Diary The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from old India 

The Giant Crab
-At first I was like why wouldn't the elephants just crush the crab?! I mean they are big enough to easily take care of the problem.  I now see that they were waiting the crab to use his claws so that they knew where he was.  I also like how there is an wife and husband elephant, because in real life elephants love each other so much that they are willing to die for one another.

The Hypocritical Cat
-I liked how the cat said his name was Holy and that he was facing the sun because he was worshiping it. when really it was all a plan to eat the mice.  I like how they overcame the cat and lived in peace and happiness. I'm sure we all have cats to overcome that would lead us to peace and happiness

The Crocodile and the Monkey
-The monkey should have never trusted the crocodile.  But I like how he out smarted the crocodile and was able to eat the free food the earth had given him.  Mrs. Crocodile should just settle for something other than someones life to find food.

The Wise Parrot ant the Foolish Parrot
-The names of the parrots are so fun! Beaky and Tweaky! What a harsh punishment, to be plucked. This was a cute story with birds and I usually hate birds.

The Dishonest Friend
-Thats strange that a rat was able to eat a plough.  This has turned into a sad story where a boy has now been taken! Thankfully the plough and the boy were turned back safe.

The Mouse and the Farmer
-I like how the farmer and the mouse worked together, the mouse brought him something he gave him something in return. Gross! I can't believe the farmer wanted to eat the mouse.. That would be disgusting.

The Talkative Tortoise
-This sounds like the type of turtle for me! I talk way to much sometimes so we would get along nicely. That was harsh that the fish basically said they would rather die than keep hearing him talk, makes me sad for the turtle. Very sad ending that the turtle died, just because others didn't want to hear him talk.

The Monkey and the Gardener
-Interesting turn around because you always hear that monkeys are smart but these Monkeys weren't able to pull though and be wise.

The Goblin and the Sneeze
-I like how they mentioned that is how the goblin got their names

The Goblin in the Pool
-The goblins don't want anyone messing with there water, and this is why when the monkey who was told not to go down there went he disappeared.

The Foolish Farmer and the King
-A happy ending where a King shows a good nice side by giving the farmer tons of Oxen

The Pious Wolf
-Sad that the wolf was willing to eat a kid.  Good thing it was just the fairy and she was able to trick the wolf and then he didn't get anything.

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