Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week 14 Storytelling: Britt's Breakup

Authors Note: This week for my reading diary I watched Nina Paley’s Sita Sings the Blues.  This is a full-length animated version of the story of Ramayana focusing on Sita.  This film is put together from three modern Indian narrators who make it quite interesting with their own perspectives on the story.  Part of this film also follows the story of Nina and Dave a more modern couple than Ramayana and Sita.  When Dave breaks up with Nina over an email while she is in New York got my story creating skills thinking.  Instead of making my story over Ramayana and Sita I decided to change the focus on Dave and Nina’s relationship.  Dave broke Nina’s heart.  She even begged for him to come back to her.  In my story Britt grows from her breakup with Connor a lot more than she thought she could.  Read here how I changed Britt’s life from being sad to being confident and loving herself.

Britt’s Breakup

There once was a girl who’s name was Britt.  Britt grew up in a very loving home where she had everything she needed provided for her.  Her parents loved her and supported her in anything she wanted to do.  She also had two older brothers that loved her so much they would do anything to keep her safe.  Her family is the typical American family that took vacations in the summer, and stayed very active during the school year with extra curricular activities.  Britt’s favorite extra curricular activity was film making.  Everywhere her and her family went she was always recording their every more.  In the morning she would record her brothers getting ready and eating breakfast.  She would always record her mother making dinner or her father working in the workshop.  Wherever Britt was there was a camera in her hands recording something. 

After high school Britt continued her dream of film making in New York City.  She was accepted into the school of film at the University of New York. Britt was very excited about this but was sad to leave her parents and brothers.  She was scared to leave her comfort and safety of her family, but her dream of film was much bigger than her fear so she moved eight hours away to follow her dream.  Her first semester at school Britt meet a guy named Connor.  Connor was also a film student for the university so it didn’t take them long to connect.  Connor eventually asked Britt on a date and they both realized that they had strong feelings for each other.   After their first date they hung out with each other almost everyday.  Four years of dating and school had passed and they found themselves at graduation together.  Connor had gotten an internship in Los Anglos and left the day after graduation.  Britt never got a job offer so she stayed in New York trying to build up her resume. 

Two weeks after Connor had left he called Britt and told her that they needed to take a break and explore things for themselves.  Britt didn't agree with Connor and tried to convince him to try the long distance relationship a little longer, but Connor wasn’t having it.  This left Britt very sad and depressed.  She never wanted to leave her apartment.  All she did was day dream about Connor.  After being broken up for three weeks Britt was scrolling though Pinterest when she came across the quote:

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot more forward.”
-Steve Maraboli

This quote inspired Britt to get up out of bed and start with a new adventure.   She updated her resume, and went out looking for a job.  After two week of searching she landed an internship with one of the biggest film directors in New York.  Her life started to look happy again. In fact Britt had never been so happy in her life.  She realized she didn't need Connor to make her happy, and that as long as she is doing what makes her happy she will be able to get up every morning and move forward with her life. 

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