Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Week 13 Reading Diary: Hindu Calendar Art

For this weeks reading diary I went with something a little different.  Instead of reading and trying to decode what the story was telling I went with listening to some videos.  I watched Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art.  This video is split up into three parts.  I just watched the first two videos that are connected with part A.  Both of these videos came from Devdutt Pattanaik.

I am really glad that I decided to watch this video.  First off, it was nice to hear how some of these name are actually pronounced.  I have been reading these stories of these people all semester and have been just butchering their names.  The second good thing to starting this video is that I am able to get a better grasp on how everything and everyone ties together.  The man illustrating put the words in a certain way that it was easy for me to understand.  The more I understood of these stories, the more I liked them.  Also with a lot of the things he was saying I was able to tie into real life situations, which I liked doing.

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